The Tale of Chunky Monkey

Once upon a time, there was a healthy, athletic, and energetic monkey.  She was active, participating in sports, gardening, and numerous outdoor activities.  She ate plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean cuts of meat.  She also was very well rested, as she was able to get 8-10 hours of sleep each night uninterruptedly.

Look how pretty she was!

After her second infant (that really is what baby monkeys are called, I googled it), she struggled to go back to her former weight, and began having issues with her thyroid.  After her third infant, her hypothyroidism worsened, and she was diagnosed with an abdominal muscle wall separation, known as diastasis recti.  She felt like crap (because of the thyroid), she looked like crap (because of the muscle wall separation), and there wasn’t crap she could do about it (exercises were limited, and energy levels were low).  Doctors encouraged her to diet and exercise lightly, but she couldn’t.  She didn’t have the time or energy.  She was raising wild monkeys, and working full-time hours.


After thousands of comments on her weight and appearance, the monkey decided it was time to do something about it.  She started meal prepping and dieting, doing low-intensity exercises, and *poof!* she transformed into a beautiful princess and lived happily ever after.


Oh wait, I think I got my fairy tales mixed up.  That last part doesn’t sound right.  Oh, I know, because that last part hasn’t happened yet.  The thousands of comments have.  Well, maybe not thousands.  But enough comments that if someone else asks me when I’m due, I’ll probably throat punch them.  Like seriously.  Without hesitation.  And I did decide that it was time to do something about it.  Because tummy tucks are expensive, and taking 6 weeks off of working and wife-ing and mommy-ing isn’t an option at this point.


So, tomorrow starts a work-based weight loss challenge (and I am SOOOOOO COMPETITIVE and MUST WIN) and also starts my journey to a healthier monkey (me).

Actual photo of me (with no filter) at a recent work anniversary celebration, and what truly made me want to make a change! 😉

My challenges:

  • Need for low impact/high calorie burning exercises/activities that take 30 minutes or less
    • I cannot join a gym or go places, because, kids & $$$
    • I have ZERO core strength, and core exercises can make my separation worse
  • Need for budget friendly, kid friendly, quick fix meal ideas for breakfast/lunch/dinner/snacks
    • Most breakfast options will need to be on-the-go or very quick fix
    • Most lunches will need to be made ahead, or easily re-heatable
    • Suppers need to be able to be prepped/cooked/served in 45 minutes or less
    • My monkeys survive on:
      • Processed food(s)
      • Applesauce
      • Ketchup
      • Little to no vegetables
      • Simple fruits (apples, bananas)
      • Anything from restaurants that provide toys with meals
      • Air
    • Despite what my mother says, I am NOT a picky eater

With this said, I know it will be difficult, and I know I’m not alone in this struggle.  Wish me luck, I’ll need it!

Do you have any suggestions?  Tips?  Tricks?  Recipes?  Exercises?  I’d love to hear it!  I’ll continue sharing in my journey to a happy, healthier monkey!

~XOXO Becca


I'm a wife, a mom to three wild and crazy boys, and I work full time as a CT Technologist. I love sharing about the day to day events of my life (good and bad!), as I feel like it helps me muster through the chaos. If I didn't laugh about it, I'd probably cry, and nothing is worse than running mascara and a snotty nose! Enjoy, and please don't be a judgy-mcjudgypants. Thanks! XOXO~Becca

4 thoughts on “The Tale of Chunky Monkey

  1. Love reading your blog but I have to say that my one and only infant is a picky eater. Maybe I need to call you my infant not my baby. Love you! Grammy Monkey to this circus!


  2. I love you, and I love this blog! Your honesty and humor are awesome! I’m proud to say “my friend writes this blog you have to read!”. I am the single greatest avoider of diet and exercise- but if you don’t have an instant pot- research it- it was a game changer for me for fixing quick dinners- and there are a lot of healthy recipes floating around!! Good luck!


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